ÃÊ·ÏÁ¦ÃâAbstract Submission
ÃÊ·ÏÁ¦ÃâAbstract Submission


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SS1 KCerS-ECerS Joint Symposium
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SS4 ¼ÒÀç ¿¬±¸µ¥ÀÌÅÍ È°¿ë ½ÉÆ÷Áö¾ö
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SS10 °æ³²¡¤ºÎ»ê ÷´Ü¼¼¶ó¹Í ÀÎÀç ¾ç¼º ±³·ùȸ
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    ¡Ø ÃÊ·Ï Á¦Ãâ°ú °ü·ÃÇÑ ¹®ÀÇ »çÇ×Àº »ç¹«±¹(02-584-0185, ceramic@kcers.or.kr)À¸·Î ¹®ÀÇÇϽñ⠹ٶø´Ï´Ù.

Submission Deadline: Midnight, August 23, 2024


General Symposium

G1Electronic ceramics
G2Energy environmental Ceramics
G3Engineering ceramics
G4Secondary Battery Materials
G5Nano fusion ceramics
G6Bio ceramics
G7Glass and amorphous ceramics
G8Refractories Ceramics
G9Cement Ceramics
G10Conventional/Traditional Ceramics
G11Computational Materials Science and Materials Analysis

Special Symposium

SS1 KCerS-ECerS Joint Symposium

Information of Presentation

  • Presentation Format: Keynote Lecture, Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
  • Presentation Time: 30 minutes for Invited Lecture, 15 minutes for oral presentation

Guidelines for Submission

  • Authors may further edit and modify submitted abstracts until the submission deadline. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.
  • All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee according to reviewing procedures.
    Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding, presenting and abstract submitting authors by August 23, 2024. If you have not received the notification, please send the email to the secretariat with your abstract information.(ceramic@kcers.or.kr)
  • Abstracts are not accepted as files.
  • Caracter limit: 650 Korean characters, 150 English wards (1300 bytes)
  • Tables and figures cannot be inserted